Monday, 28 May 2012

Breakfast and smoothie making!

Best invention ever.. eton mess yogurt. (Breakfast)

Made a smoothie today which i LOVE doing and should really do more often, i think i love the whole process even more, chopping the fruit, putting the ice and milk in the blender and thinking how pretty it all looks, sad i know! I used - One banana, 6 strawberries, lots of ice cubes, skimmed milk, and 4 stevia capsules.

The finished product:

Making fajitas for dinner tonight i think, VERY excited, haven't done any exercize because i'm so sore from the past few days, and most of the day so far has been taken up with packing, hopefully moving on weds/thurs :)

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Cross trainer = 30 minutes
Burnt 200 calories :)

Dinner time!


Im starting to get kind of addicted to that after-exercise feeling, where you get all wobbly and you feel like you have worked really hard..

But to do that you had to actually do the exercise. So even though i had a morning jog today i'm hopefully going to do 40 minutes on the cross trainer too! I definitely should to be honest, especially after that piece of birthday cake! That cake is going to be gone before my birthday is even here.

Jogging and breakfast

Jogged today, and used my pedometer, it said we went for 1.35 km which would equal to 0.8 miles. However we thought it seemed longer than that so checked the distance when we got back and it said it would of been 2.2 miles.. so looks like the pedometer isn't properly working :( was really looking forward to using that!

It also said i only burnt 87 calories which is very hard to believe judging by how much i was sweating and how hard i thought i was working!


Saturday, 26 May 2012


Today started off fairly good..

Trim flakes with strawberries and grapes

First time making freshly squeezed orange juice, 5 oranges only makes one glass of juice? Maybe i should of ate one a day which would of lasted 5 days and been a bit more cost effective! But it was quite yummy :) Although i don't have a sieve to get the bits out :(

But then this happened..

My mom had this specially made for me and it had to be delivered today even though my birthday is four days away, and, well, obviously we all had to have a little piece...

And this was lunch - approx 375 calories

Just went on the cross trainer for 40 minutes - burned 275 calories, quite happy about that!

Friday, 25 May 2012

The last few days

The last 3 days have pretty much been looking for houses and going to the pub as a cheeky reward after, but going to the pub usually means being tempted by the food - and giving in in my case.

 Our yummy drinks
 More yummy drinks.. We did actually have food aswell but i always forget to take a picture cos im usually so excited to eat, how sad! I had a chicken and bacon sandwich with chips, it was scrummyyy :)
Cute horseyy outside the pub, don't think he liked the hot weather too much!

New chocolate go ahead bars! So yummy.

Me at a different pub when i went on my little trip away :)

At this restaurant they actually have calories on the menu, i guess this is a good thing, the first thing i spotted on the menu was a cheese burger and really wanted it because for some reason i've been craving on recently, the cheeseburger and chips came to 970 calories!! I was horrified, i know its not that shocking, but it kind of is in a way also. This wasn't much better at 740 cals but i did share the with mommy and sister :)

Don't like peas!!! Bleurghh

More yummy drinks, mine has no alcohol, just lime and soda :)

Belle's excited to move house :D

Another one from my little trip!!

I will get back on track eventually! I did get up this morning and go on my crosstrainer for 20 mins, which burned about 160 calories, and then i had cereal, and then the fried chicken and chips. The weather has been so gorgeous lately so we keep going out for drinks and always end up eating, hopefully the weather will go crap again soon so i can get back on track haha!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Inspiration Board

Made this a few weeks ago, unfortunately don't think i've lost anything yet :(

Nail Varnish

Not health related at all but decided to get all my nail varnishes out today and i think i am a bit of a hoarder..

Going to try and sort through them and throw some away..

Mini holiday

Went on a little trip to my grandparents caravan for a few days. Didn't eat the best, but probably better than i usually am!

For breakfast i had cereal (Chocolate Crunch) not the healthiest, but that's what happens when you go shopping when your hungry!

This was lunch:

(Like my sock?) :)

And this was dinner:

(Didn't finish all of the spaghetti bolognese, and had half of the garlic bread)

Later on i had a chocolate bar that was 223 calories! 

The next day really wasn't too good, although it got off to a good start with some Trim Flakes with banana ontop, and a piece of wholemeal toast, for lunch i had crackers, pistachio nuts, velvet crunch crisps, and 5 chicken dippers. On the night we went to the chip shop and got a large chips, a battered sausage, and a cheeseburger, and shared it all, however i mainly ate the chips, not a fan of the dodgy meat in chip shop food! After that i had the same little chocolate bar :)

Sunday, 20 May 2012


Brought this for myself

This seems like such a huge treat, so maybe that means i'm doing good? :) And i get points for getting the small size :)

Promise there is sweets in there as well not just chocolate!


Probably not 100% healthy, but very yummy indeed!


Been reading for the past few days, starting from the very beginning, haven't finished it yet but it's the most inspiring thing EVER.


Brought these today from Morrisons, ive been wanting to try them for ages after i saw someone post a picture of them on tumblr. They were only 89p so obviously i had to get one of every flavour.

I will blog about them after i've tried them! :)


Fresh new blog :) I've had others before but never really got into them, hopefully i will blog here everyday on my new weight loss journey and lifestyle change! (which i'm really hoping it will turn out to be, not just another diet that i eventually slip off)

Height: 5"4
Weight: 164lb

GOAL: 130lb (i've got to this before but didn't manage to maintain it for very long)

I've been eating healthier and exercising more for a week or so, and already feel better :) Not sure if i've lost anything yet.